RT Book, Section A1 Via, Michael A. A1 Mechanick, Jeffrey I. A2 Oropello, John M. A2 Pastores, Stephen M. A2 Kvetan, Vladimir SR Print(0) ID 1136415787 T1 Endocrine Dysfunction Leading to Critical Illness T2 Critical Care YR 1 FD 1 PB McGraw-Hill Education PP New York, NY SN 9780071820813 LK accessanesthesiology.mhmedical.com/content.aspx?aid=1136415787 RD 2025/02/16 AB KEY POINTSThe immune-neuroendocrine response of critical illness (CI) is marked by hypercatabolism and diminished hypothalamic-pituitary-end-organ function.Despite low circulating growth hormone (GH) levels in CI, the administration of exogenous GH is detrimental.Central adrenal insufficiency typically results from overly rapid tapering of corticosteroid dosing or increased stress in a patient who was recently tapered off of corticosteroids.CI or relative adrenal insufficiency, though real and relevant, is still the subject of great interest among intensivists and changes in definitions and management are likely to change in the near future.Diabetic ketoacidosis typically occurs in patients with type 1 diabetes that are newly diagnosed, acutely ill, or resulting from missed scheduled insulin doses.