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At a glance

Extremely rare form of familial choreoathetosis with infantile onset.


Infantile Choreoathetosis of Fisher; Fisher Infantile Choreoathetosis Syndrome.

Incidence and genetic inheritance

Described in only one family, affecting four generations. It is transmitted as autosomal dominant inheritance.

Clinical aspects

Distinguishing features were infantile onset with exclusive neurologic impairment including progressive choreoathetosis predominantly affecting the legs and consequently impairing gait. Occasionally, pyramidal tract signs can occur. Patients do not show any signs of dementia, seizures, or rigidity.

Anesthetic considerations

No specific anesthetic considerations are expected to arise.


Fisher  M, Sargent,  J, Drachman  D: Familial inverted choreoathetosis. Neurology 29:1627, 1979.  [PubMed: 159419]

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