Benign inflammation of the tibial tuberosity
characterized by abnormal bone and cartilage formation in the tibia.
Clinically, patients may experience pain, swelling, and tenderness of the
knee and ankle.
Pain is caused by osteochondritis of the tibial
tuberosity at the point of insertion of the tendon of the patella or by a
small stress fracture.
Swelling and tenderness over the tibial tuberosity.
Pain over the tibial tuberosity that is
exacerbated by running or jumping. Common pain syndrome in growing children
and adolescents.
No specific precautions.
Coagulation profile should be obtained if the patient is taking antiinflammatory
Chronic administration of steroids must
be considered. Peroperative coverage needed. The use of regional anesthesia might be advantageous if feasible.
Patient may be on nonsteroidal
antiinflammatory drug therapy.
Keinboeck Disease: Acquired bone disorder affecting the wrist,
particularly the lunate bone following an injury or inflammation. Recurrent
pain and stiffness occur in conjunction with thickening, swelling, and
tenderness. The range of motion in the wrist is most often limited.
Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease: Rare disease affecting the hip
joint. Abnormalities in bone growth early in life may result in permanent
deformity of the hip joint several years later.
Rosenberg ZS, Kawelblum M, Cheung YY, et al: Osgood-Schlatter lesion:
Fracture or tendonitis? Scintigraphic, CT and MR imaging features.
Radiology 185:853, 1992.
[PubMed: 1438775]