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Genetic polymalformative dysostotic syndrome characterized by distinctive craniofacial malformations including brachycephaly, bird-like facies with “parrot-beaked” nose, hypoplastic mandible, hypotrichosis, ocular abnormalities (congenital cataracts, microphthalmia), dental defects, skin atrophy (scalp and nasal area), severe tracheomalacia, and dwarfism.

Hallermann-Streiff syndrome

Airway obstruction secondary to small nares, glossoptosis, hypoplastic mandible, and tracheomalacia resulted in chronic respiratory failure, which required tracheotomy in this infant with Hallermann-Streiff syndrome.

Hallermann-Streiff syndrome

Toddler with Hallermann-Streiff syndrome had undergone a previous tracheotomy (scar) which, with increasing age and growth, was no longer required. However, this does not imply that airway management now is easy (note the small mouth and hypoplastic mandible).

Hallerman-Streiff-François Syndrome; François Dyscephalic (or dyscephaly) Syndrome; François Syndrome; Oculomandibulofacial Syndrome; Oculo-Mandibulo-Dyscephaly-Hypotrichosis Syndrome; Ullrich-Fremerey-Dohna Syndrome.

Rare; 70 cases reported in the literature.

Most cases have been sporadic (but with high frequency of parental consanguinity) with no sex predilection. Autosomal recessive and dominant forms have been reported.

Based on clinical features and clinical course. Radiographic examination of the temporomandibular joints shows a characteristic change.

The syndrome associates a bird-like facies with hypoplastic mandible (in all dimensions) and “parrot-beaked” nose, microphthalmia, and congenital cataract. The cornea is small (diameter <11 mm) and coloboma is common, confirming the early disturbance of eye development. Hypoplastic mandible, high arched palate, microstomia, glossoptosis, natal teeth (inconstant), and hypodontia with malformed teeth contribute to the recognizable facial features of the patients. Proportionate dwarfism, hypotrichosis, skin atrophy, hypoplastic clavicles and ribs, and daytime hypersomnolence are usual. Mental retardation is observed in 15% of patients. Because of a narrow upper airway and most often associated tracheomalacia, there is a danger of upper airway obstruction, particularly during the neonatal period and infancy. Obstruction may be a result of small nares and glossoptosis secondary to micrognathia, which may result in cor pulmonale. Tracheomalacia is a frequent complication that can lead to chronic respiratory insufficiency (subsequent biventricular cardiac failure and death has been reported in a 6-month-old infant). Sleep apnea is common in these patients.

Anesthesia consultation is highly recommended prior to elective surgical procedures. Evaluation for difficult direct laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation because of hypoplasia of the mandible (use of fiberscope may be required, and nasotracheal intubation may be difficult because of the small nares). Management of the airway is expected to be difficult because of anatomical factors. Physical examination is directed primarily toward the central nervous system, cardiovascular system (cor pulmonale), lungs, and upper airway (tracheomalacia). Echocardiography is indicated. Standard preoperative laboratory examinations are appropriate in most patients (blood chemistries, blood group, hemoglobin, and coagulation).

Airway management represents the most significant anesthetic consideration. Maintenance of spontaneous respiration is highly recommended until the airway has been ...

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