Cervical incompetence is a common cause of miscarriage. Placing a suture around the cervical os of the uterus mechanically prevents premature opening of the cervix and subsequent premature delivery of the baby.
- Pudendal (S2–4) and genitofemoral (L1–2) nerves supply the surgical area
- Surgical approach is transvaginal
- Lithotomy position
- Duration variable but usually less than an hour in experienced hands
- Intraoperative fetal monitoring not routinely used
- “High saddle block” is the most commonly used approach (the block has to reach T12):
- One to 1.2 mL hyperbaric 0.75% bupivacaine
- One to 1.2 mL hyperbaric 5% lidocaine (rarely used because of risk of TNS)
- Patient should remain sitting for 3–5 minutes to establish saddle block
- General anesthesia is an option
- Epidural anesthesia is a poor choice as sacral sparing is common
- Adequate perioperative hydration is important to prevent increase in uterine activity
- Treat hypotension associated with spinal anesthesia aggressively:
- Retching may result in bearing down and rupture of the amniotic membrane; this is hypotension-induced, no indication for PONV prophylaxis
- Use of intrathecal short-acting neuraxial opioids (e.g., fentanyl 25 μg) is controversial:
- Improves intraoperative analgesia
- Extends duration of block
- May contribute to postoperative urinary retention
- Use of long-acting neuraxial opioids is not recommended
- Postoperative pain is variable:
- If the pain does not respond to common analgesics, admission may be necessary
- Urinary retention is a significant complication (patients need to void before discharge)
- Uterine contractions may follow and may require admission for hydration and bed rest
- The patient presents at term and the cerclage is removed
- Patient presents/returns to the labor and delivery unit when in active labor
- This is often done without anesthesia in the office setting
- If anesthesia is indicated, a low saddle block (0.8–1 mL hyperbaric 0.75% bupivacaine or 0.8–1 mL hyperbaric 5% lidocaine) is adequate
- The patient presents with contractions or with ruptured membranes and is allowed to labor
- The cerclage is often removed without an anesthetic
- In this setting, if the patient is a candidate for labor analgesia, a modified combined spinal epidural is the recommended approach:
- A low saddle dose (see above) is administered as the spinal component
- An epidural catheter is threaded and is used to provide analgesia for labor
- Selected patients may undergo an abdominal approach for closing the cervix
- The surgical approach is usually a Pfannenstiel incision
- Duration is dependent on level of experience of surgeon (about 60–90 minutes)
- Abdominal cerclage is permanent. Delivery is by Cesarean section
- Spinal, epidural, combined spinal epidural, and GA have all been used successfully
- Usual precautions for anesthesia during second trimester (see Chapter 186)
- Dosing is similar to anesthesia for Cesarean section (see Chapter 189)
- May need hospital admission postoperatively for pain management, hydration, and observation for uterine contractions