Relative contraindications: esophageal lesions (e.g., diverticulum, varices) or recent surgery, or unstable cervical spine lesion.
Lubricated probe inserted after stomach contents emptied with OG suction
Initially placed into mid-esophageal position approximately 25–30 cm.
- Probe manipulation (Figure 86-1)
- Rotation of probe
- Knobs
- Anteflexion/retroflexion
- Left/right flexion of probe tip
- Probe button(s)
- Scan angle: imaging array rotation from 0° to 180°
- Position of probe and views
- Position
- Upper esophageal
- Mid-esophageal
- Transgastric
- Views
- Views performed systematically to gain information about cardiac pathology and performance
- Subset of views most often used for noncardiac cases
- Mid-esophageal 4 chamber view
- Allows for assessment of overall chamber size (right and left atria, right and left ventricles)
- Cardiac function (RWMA)
- Valve pathology
- Tricuspid regurgitation
- Mitral regurgitation
- Transgastric mid-papillary view
- Assessment of RWMA
- Volume status