Currently available in the United States:
- Bispectral Index (BIS™, Covidien)
- SEDLine™ Patient State Index (PSI™, Masimo)
- M-Entropy™ (GE Healthcare)
- SNAP II™ (Stryker)
Also available in other countries:
- Cerebral State Index (CSI™, Danmeter)
- Narcotrend™ (Drager)
- NeuroSENSE™ (Carefusion)
All monitors work on the principle that EEG changes caused by GABA agonists are, in general:
- Predictable
- Observable
- Reproducible
Processed EEG monitors, through differing algorithms, generate an index value (0–100) that reflects the state of frontal EEG activity and quasi-linearizes the relationship between dose of GABA agonist and index value.
EEG changes seen with GABA agonists include changes in:
- Predominant frequencies
- Relative power distribution
- Phase relationship and randomness
- Pattern changes, such as burst suppression