Measures ratio of oxygenated to deoxygenated hemoglobin (Hb) using light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that emit light (red and infrared) of different wavelengths (660 and 940 nm). Oxygenated Hb absorbs more infrared light, whereas deoxy-Hb absorbs more red.
- Proprietary system that uses “more than 7 wavelengths of light” to acquire data.
- Measures:
- Total Hb (SpHb®)
- Oxygen content (SpOC™)
- Carboxyhemoglobin (SpCO®)
- Methemoglobin (SpMet®)
- Pleth Variability Index (PVI®)
- Oxygen saturation (SpO2), pulse rate (PR), perfusion index (PI)
- Estimates Hb concentration, and surrogates of tissue perfusion and cardiac output
- Time to loss of signal is longer and recovery time shorter with BP inflation if on same limb
- With good signal conditions, Masimo found to be more reliable than older oximeters
- In conditions of severe hypoxemia, Masimo found to be equivalent in accuracy to older oximeters
- Uses several different wavelengths to determine oxy-, carboxy-, and met-Hb percentages
- Can be used to accurately determine CO poisoning and methemoglobinemia
- “Fractional” saturation determined by:
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2. Barker SJ, Tremper KK. Effect of carbon monoxide inhalation
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1979 May;66(5):677–679.
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3. Kawagishi T, Kanaya N, Nakayama M, Kurosawa S, Namiki A. A comparison
of the failure times of pulse oximeters during blood pressure cuff-induced
hypoperfusion in volunteers.
Anesth Analg.
2004 Sept;99(3):793–796.
[PubMed: 15333413]
4. Robertson FA, Hoffman GM. Clinical evaluation of the effects
of signal integrity and saturation on data availability and accuracy
of Masimo SET® and Nellcor N-395 oximeters in
children. Anesth Analg...