- How long has the patient been on dialysis?
- When was the last dialysis?
- How long was the last dialysis?
- Were there any problems during the last dialysis such as hypotension, impaired fluid removal, dizziness?
- Any recent fever, chills, or infections?
- In case of peritoneal dialysis: when was the abdomen filled or emptied the last time?
- Examine shunt site and auscultate the shunt
- Evaluate for signs of CHF and neuropathy
- Examine abdomen in case of peritoneal dialysis
- Complete blood count (anemia), serum chemistry (K+, BUN, Mg2+, phosphate), and coagulation profile
- ECG (cardiomyopathy, low voltage with uremic pericardial effusion)
- Chest x-ray (pulmonary edema and pleural effusions, catheter location, cardiomyopathy)
Schedule dialysis 1 day prior to surgery.
Schedule RBC transfusion during hemodialysis if necessary.
Continue peritoneal dialysis until surgery.
- Possible if no coagulopathy present
- Document preexisting neuropathy
- Sympathectomy may exacerbate autonomic dysfunction and hypotension
- Positioning:
- Careful positioning of arms with attention to fistula
- Induction:
- Minimize sedative agents
- Rapid sequence induction if delayed gastric emptying is suspected
- Succhinylcholine may be used if preoperative K+ <5 mEq/L
- Avoid rocuronium or vecuronium; preferred NMB is cisatracurium
- Fluids:
- Minimize fluids for minor surgery
- For major and intermediate surgery:
- Replace fluid loss (blood loss and insensitive losses) with lactated Ringer (LR) or other balanced salt solutions, not normal saline (NS)
- NS causes hyperchloremic acidosis that worsens hyperkalemia and may preclude extubation
- Drugs:
- Normal metabolism (independent from renal function):
- (Cis-) atracurium, succinylcholine, esmolol, remifentanil
- Titrate all other drugs to effect:
- Vecuronium, rocuronium, fentanyl, midazolam, hydromorphone
- Avoid (or titrate carefully) drugs with renally eliminated metabolites:
- Morphine, vecuronium, meperidine, midazolam
- Sevoflurane is probably safe but avoid low fresh gas flow
- Extubation:
- Check arterial blood gas prior to extubation for any longer cases