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  • image In the absence of coexisting disease, resting systolic cardiac function seems to be preserved, even in octogenarians. Increased vagal tone and decreased sensitivity of adrenergic receptors lead to a decline in heart rate.

  • image Older adult patients undergoing echocardiographic evaluation for surgery have an increased incidence of diastolic dysfunction compared with younger patients.

  • image Diminished cardiac reserve in many older adult patients may be manifested as exaggerated decreases in blood pressure during induction of general anesthesia. A prolonged circulation time delays the onset of intravenous drugs but speeds induction with inhalational agents.

  • image Aging decreases the elasticity of lung tissue, allowing overdistention of alveoli and collapse of small airways. Residual volume and the functional residual capacity increase with aging. Airway collapse increases residual volume and closing capacity. Even in normal persons, closing capacity exceeds functional residual capacity at age 45 years in the supine position and age 65 years in the sitting position.

  • image The neuroendocrine response to stress seems to be largely preserved or, at most, only slightly decreased in healthy older adult patients. Aging is associated with a decreasing response to β-adrenergic agents.

  • image Impairment of Na+ handling, concentrating ability, and diluting capacity predispose older adult patients to both dehydration and fluid overload.

  • image Liver mass and hepatic blood flow decline with aging. Hepatic function declines in proportion to the decrease in liver mass.

  • image Aging produces both pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes. Disease-related changes and wide variations among individuals in similar populations prevent convenient generalizations.

  • image The principal pharmacodynamic change associated with aging is a reduced anesthetic requirement, represented by a reduced minimum alveolar concentration (MAC).

  • image Older adult patients display a lower dose requirement for propofol, etomidate, opioids, benzodiazepines, and barbiturates.

The older adult patient typically presents for surgery with several chronic medical conditions, in addition to any acute surgical illness. Age is not a contraindication to anesthesia and surgery; however, perioperative morbidity and mortality are greater in older adults than younger surgical patients.

As with pediatric patients, optimal anesthetic management of older adult patients depends upon an understanding of the normal changes in physiology, anatomy, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics that accompany aging. In fact, there are many similarities between older adult patients and pediatric patients (Table 43–1). Individual genetic polymorphisms and lifestyle choices can modulate the inflammatory response to surgery and anesthesia. Consequently, chronologic age may not fully reflect an individual patient’s physical condition. The relatively increased incidence of serious physiological abnormalities in older adult patients demands careful preoperative evaluation.

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TABLE 43–1 Similarities between older adult people and infants, compared with the general population.

Decreased ability to increase heart rate in response to hypovolemia, hypotension, or hypoxia

Decreased lung compliance

Decreased arterial oxygen tension

Impaired ability to cough

Decreased renal tubular function

Increased susceptibility to hypothermia

Older adult patients are frequently treated with β-blockers. Chronically administered β-blockers should be continued ...

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