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It is a medical condition considered an alternative medicine concept that is not recognized by the medical literature (see “History”). It appears characterized by low body temperature associated with an impaired conversion of thyroxine (T4) to triiodothyronine (T3) despite normal thyroid function tests. The clinical features include fatigue, headaches, hair loss, irritability, fluid retention, depression, low sexual drive, and a long list of other nonspecific symptoms. The American Thyroid Association disavows Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome in 2005 based on a thorough review of the biomedical literature that found no scientific evidence supporting the existence of this medical condition.


Wilson’s Syndrome; Wilson’s Thyroid Syndrome; WTS.


This medical condition was originally described in 1990 by E. Denis Wilson, a physician practicing in Longwood, Florida. The American Thyroid Association (ATA) has indicated that the proposed condition is based on imprecise and a nonspecific description of a disease involving the thyroid gland. There is a lack of proper scientific evidence at this time to support Dr Wilson’s claims. During disciplinary action against Dr Wilson, the Florida State Medical Board members said that this medical condition was a “Phony Syndrome.” It was described as a medical scam during disciplinary action against this physician.


State of Florida, Department of Health. February 12, 1992. Final Order Number: DPR9200039ME.
Denis Wilson  E: Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome—A Reversible Low Temperature Problem. Cornerstone Publishing, 1992. ISBN 0-9708510-1-4.

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