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Normal Laboratory Values
Hemoglobin 13.3–17 g/dL
Hematocrit 40.3–50.3%
White blood cells 4.3–10.6 × 103 μL
Platelets 132–337 × 103 μ/L
Protime 9.8–12.8 seconds
APTT 25.1–36.5 seconds
International normalized ratio 0.86–1.14
Sodium 136–144 mEq/L
Chloride 101–111 mEq/L
Potassium 3.5–5.1 mEq/L
Creatinine 0.55–1.02 mg/dL
Blood urea nitrogen 8–20 mg/dL
GFR > 60.0 mL/min/1.732 m2
Calcium 8.5–10.1 mg/dL
Phosphorus 2.5–4.9 mg/dL
Magnesium 1.8–2.5 mg/dL
Total bilirubin 0.3–1.2 mg/dL
Albumin 3.5–4.8 g/dL
Total protein 6.4–8.3 g/dL
Alkaline phosphate 45–117 μ/L

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Color clear, straw
Specific gravity 1.001–1.035
pH 5–8
Protein negative
Glucose negative
Ketone negative
Bilirubin negative
Blood negative
Leukocytes negative
Nitrite negative
Urobilinogen < 2 mg/dL
AST 15–41 μ/L
ALT 17–63 μ/L
Lactic acid 0.5–2.2 mmol/L
Total CK 49–397 μL
CK-MB 0.6–6.3 ng/mL
Troponin I < 0.03 ng/mL
TSH 0.450–5.330 μ/mL
T3 uptake ratio 32–48.4%
Free T4 0.61–1.12 g/dL
Total T4 6.1–12.2 ug/dL
Cortisol 10–20 ug/dL (morning)
  3–10 ug/dL (4 pm)
  < 5 ug/dL (nighttime)
Serum osmolality 275–295 mOsm/kg
Urine osmolality 500–800 mOsm/kg
Fibrinogen 200–393 mg/dL
Fibrin degradation products < 5 ug/mL
LDH 84–246 μ/L
Ammonia 11–35 umol/L

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