A/C | Assist/control |
AG | Anion gap |
APRV | Airway pressure release ventilation |
ARDS | Acute respiratory distress syndrome |
ARDSnet | ARDS network |
AVAPS | Average volume assured pressure support |
BAL | Bronchoalveolar lavage |
BE | Base excess |
BEE | Basal energy expenditure |
BSA | Body surface area |
CCI | Chronic critical illness |
Cao2 | Oxygen content of arterial blood |
Cc′o2 | Pulmonary capillary oxygen content |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
CI | Cardiac index |
Cl | Lung compliance |
Cl− | Chloride ion |
CMV | Continuous mandatory ventilation |
CO | Carbon monoxide |
Co2 | Oxygen content of the blood |
COPD | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
CPAP | Continuous positive airway pressure |
CPP | Cerebral perfusion pressure |
CPR | Cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
CSV | Continuous spontaneous ventilation |
CT | Computed tomography |
Cv̄o2 | Mixed venous oxygen content |
CVP | Central venous pressure |
CW | Chest wall compliance |
Do2 | Oxygen delivery |
EAdi | Electrical activity of the diaphragm |
ECLS | Extracorporeal life support |
ECMO | Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation |
EELV | End-expiratory lung volume |
EPAP | Expiratory positive airway pressure |
fb | Frequency of breathing; respiratory rate |
fc | Heart rate |
Fio2 | Fraction of inspired oxygen |
FRC | Functional residual capacity |
Hb | Hemoglobin |
HbCO | Carboxyhemoglobin |
HCO3− | Bicarbonate concentration |
HFJV | High frequency jet ventilation |
HFOV | High frequency oscillatory ventilation |
HFPPV | High frequency positive pressure ventilation |
HFV | High frequency ventilation |
HME | Heat and moisture exchanger |
Hz | Hertz |
I:E | Inspiratory time to expiratory time ratio |
IBW | Ideal body weight (sometimes called predicted body weight) |
ICP | Intracranial pressure |
ICU | Intensive care unit |
IMV | Intermittent mandatory ventilation |
iNO | Inhaled nitric oxide |
IPAP | Inspiratory positive airway pressure |
ISB | Isothermal saturation boundary |
IVAC | Infection related ventilator associated condition |
j | Joules |
LV | Left ventricle |
LVSWI | Left ventricular stroke work index |
MAP | Mean arterial pressure |
MDI | Metered-dose inhaler |
MIC | Maximum insufflation capacity |
MIE | Mechanical insufflation–exsufflator |
MMV | Mandatory minute ventilation |
MODS | Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome |
MPAP | Mean pulmonary artery pressure |
NO | Nitric oxide |
Na+ | Sodium |
NAVA | Neurally adjusted ventilatory assist |
NIV | Noninvasive ventilation |
NPE | Neurogenic pulmonary edema |
OI | Oxygenation index |
ΔPaw | Change in airway pressure |
ΔPL | Transpulmonary pressure |
ΔPOP | Plethysmographic waveform amplitude |
ΔPpl | Change in pleural pressure |
P(a-et)CO2 | Difference between arterial and end-tidal Pco2 |
Pao2/Pao2 | Ratio of arterial PO2 to alveolar Po2 |
Pao2/Fio2 | Ratio of arterial Po2 to Fio2 |
P(a-a)o2 | Difference between alveolar Po2 and arterial Po2 |
Paco2 | Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood |
P̄alv | Mean alveolar pressure |
Palv | Alveolar pressure |
Pao2 | Partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood |
Pao2 | Alveolar Po2 |
PAP | Pulmonary artery pressure |
PAV | Proportional-assist ventilation |
P̄aw | Mean airway pressure |
Pb | Barometric pressure |
Pbo2 | Brain Po2 |
PC-CMV | Continuous mandatory ventilation with pressure control |
PC-IMV | Pressure-controlled intermittent mandatory ventilation |
PCIRV | Pressure-controlled inverse ration ventilation |
Pco2 | Partial pressure of carbon dioxide |
PCV | Pressure-controlled ventilation |
PCWP | Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure |
Pdi | Transdiaphragmatic pressure |
Pēco2 | Mixed exhaled Pco2 |
Ph2o | Water vapor pressure |
PEEP | Positive end-expiratory pressure |
PEG | Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy |
Peso | Esophageal pressure |
Petco2 | End-tidal Pco2 |
Pexhco2 | Measured mixed exhaled Pco2 including gas compressed in the ventilator circuit |
pH | Negative log of the hydrogen ion concentration |
PI | Plethysmographic perfusion index |
Pimax | Maximum inspiratory pressure |
PImin | Minimal value of the plethysmographic perfusion index |
PIP | Peak inspiratory pressure |
Pmus | Pressure generated by the respiratory muscles |
PMV | Prolonged mechanical ventilation |
Po2 | Partial pressure of oxygen |
Pplat | Plateau pressure |
PPV | Arterial pulse pressure variation |
PRVC | Pressure-regulated volume control |
PSV | Pressure support ventilation |
Ptcco2 | Transcutaneous Pco2 |
Ptco2 | Transcutaneous Po2 |
Pv̄co2 | Mixed venous Pco2 |
Pvent | Pressure-generated by the ventilator |
PVI | Plethysmographic variability index |
Pv̄o2 | Mixed venous Po2 |
PVR | Pulmonary vascular resistance |
Q̇c | Cardiac output |
Q̇s/Q̇t | Pulmonary shunt |
R | Respiratory quotient |
RE | Expiratory resistance |
REE | Resting energy expenditure |
REM | Rapid eye movement |
Ri | Inspiratory resistance |
RSBI | Rapid shallow breathing index |
RVSWI | Right ventricular stroke work index |
Sao2 | Hemoglobin oxygen saturation of arterial blood |
SBT | Spontaneous breathing trial |
Scvo2 | Central venous oxygen saturation |
SID | Strong ion difference |
SIMV | Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation |
Sjvo2 | Jugular venous oxygen saturation |
Spco | Carbon monoxide measured by pulse oximetry |
SpHb | Hemoglobin measured by pulse oximetry |
SpMet | Methemoglobin measured by pulse oximetry |
Spo2 | Hemoglobin oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry |
SVI | Stroke volume index |
Sv̄o2 | Mixed venous oxygen saturation |
SVR | Systemic vascular resistance |
SVRI | Systemic vascular resistance index |
TE | Expiratory time |
TI | Inspiratory time |
TT | Total cycle time |
UUN | Urine urea nitrogen |
V̇ | Flow |
V̇a | Alveolar ventilation |
V̇/Q̇ | Ratio of ventilation to blood flow |
VAC | Ventilator-associated condition |
VAE | Ventilator-associated event |
VAP | Ventilator-associated pneumonia |
VC | Vital capacity |
V̇co2 | Carbon dioxide production |
V̇d | Dead space ventilation |
V̇e | Minute ventilation |
V̇i | Inspiratory flow |
VCV | Volume-controlled ventilation |
VC-CMV | Continuous mandatory ventilation with volume control |
VC-IMV | volume-controlled intermittent mandatory ventilation |
VD/VT | Dead space to tidal volume ratio |
VILI | Ventilator-induced lung injury |
V̇o2 | Oxygen consumption |
VS | Volume support |
VT | Tidal volume |
W | Work |
τ | Time constant |